
Will Young: Making an album is like a fermentation process

Will Young has likened making an album to a "fermentation process".

The 36-year-old pop star’s new record is titled ‘85% Proof’, and Will has revealed the name stems from a strong type of alcohol called Moonshine.

Recalling how the title came about, Will explained: "When they brewed it they wouldn’t know how strong it was, so the only way they could tell was by drinking it, which at that level they got s**t-faced.

"I thought it was interesting that with listening to music, I don’t know how good something is [until I try it], so it’s like a fermentation process. It has to be tasted to be able to tell."

Will – whose last album ‘Echoes’ was released in 2011 – revealed his twin brother Rupert was central to the naming of his latest record.

He told Digital Spy: "It just caught my imagination, and I hate all of my album titles. Apart from ‘Echoes’ actually, oh and I like ‘Friday’s Child’, but the rest sound like self help books.

"I just thought, ‘Oh God here we go again – what am I going to say this time?’ Then my brother sort of said, ‘Well what about this?’"