
Vicky Pattison: I haven’t had sex in ages

Vicky Pattison hasn’t had sex in "ages".
The 28-year-old TV personality admitted she is looking for a serious relationship, rather than a "no-strings attached" fling, which is the reason she rejected the advances of the ‘Made In Chelsea’ hunk Spencer Matthews, who Vicky has put firmly in the so-called friendzone.
She shared: "We had a lot of kissing and a lot of fun, but I think if we’d gone to the next stage it would have made things very complicated and I’m just not in the mood for complicated.
"Not with someone who wouldn’t, I don’t think, last the test of time."
The ‘Loose Women’ panelist said Spencer was not the type of man she is searching for, even though she finds him attractive.
She told The Sun on Sunday newspaper: "I still fancy him. Spencer’s a very handsome man and he’s incredibly charming and intelligent.
"But sex only feels necessary when it’s got all the trimmings – when it goes hand in hand with cinema nights, meals out and meeting each other’s families.
"So, no, I haven’t had sex in ages. I’m not interested in no-strings attached. I like me strings, thanks very much. I’m a big fan of strings. Vicky Pattison: string enthusiast!"
The ‘I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here!’ winner insisted she didn’t wish to become another of Spencer’s sexual conquests.
She explained: "I was very open to the prospect of it being a relationship, but I was mindful and wary of his reputation and of my image.
"The strong, independent Queen of The Jungle getting cheated on by Spencer Matthews and becoming just another girl in that long list? No thank you.
"So I told him I really liked him, but I liked myself more. And that I’d worked too hard to be what I want to be to have him set us back."