
Toni Collette wants to work with Ann Dowd

Toni Collette is desperate to make another movie with Ann Dowd.
The 45-year-old actress instantly hit it off with the ‘Handmaid’s Tale’ star when they worked on horror movie ‘Hereditary’ and they hope they can take their new friendship to another set sometime soon.
She said: "I am in love with Ann. We got along like a house on fire.
"We can’t wait to find something else to work together on.
"She is one of the most brilliant actors I’ve ever worked with and she’s one of the most brilliant people I’ve ever met.
"Her energy is infections. So warm and such a generous actor – I’m just happy to know her."
The movie also stars Milly Shapiro, and though the actress is only 16 years old, Toni was very impressed with her performance, especially when faced with such dark material.
She explained to Heat magazine: "Milly is the consummate professional. This is her first film but she’s a Broadway veteran.
"She’s incredibly astute and made very clear decisions about what she wanted to portray.
"She’s a total sweetheart, as well, so it’s very, very easy.
"We had a couple of conversations like, ‘Oh this is pretty heavy, how much can she handle?’ But she loves horror films and she’s very mature, so it didn’t seem to be an issue."
Despite her years of working in the movie industry, the ‘About a Boy’ actress – who raises daughter Sage, 10, and son Arlo, seven, with her musician husband Dave Galafassi – admits she won’t let her kids watch many of her films until they are much older because none of them are suitable viewing.
She said: "There’s very little they can watch at this stage. They are only 10 and seven, so it’s going to be a long time before they see this one [‘Hereditary’]."