
The Libertines’ snake scare

The Libertines risked death from snake bites recording their new album.

The reformed group secluded themselves away in a facility in Thailand to set down tracks for their comeback record and though there were few people around, they were never far away from deadly serpents.

Co-frontman Carl Barat said: "The studio was built on an old snake pit. The snake god Naga had a shrine. You could still find snakes there.

"I said to the guy, ‘Do you have anti-venom for the snakes?’ He said, ‘No if snake bites you, you die.’

"I thought, ‘OK, what about going to hospital?’ He said, ‘No, no, you DIE.’ It scared the life out of me.

"They’re called pit vipers. Nasty buggers."

Despite the scary snakes, the ‘I Get Along’ group – which also includes Pete Doherty, Gary Powell and John Hassall – found the remote setting the perfect place to record their album.

Carl explained to NME magazine: "It was really conductive to work. We couldn’t have done it in London or England or even in Europe.

"Everyone would have had a reason to go out. It’s as fast as we’ve ever worked and as committed as we’ve ever been.

"I’m ecstatic about what we’ve done, which is very, very rare for me to say."

John added: "Spending so much time together made us feel like a proper band again. Seeing each other every day just made it feel like old times."