
The Libertines explain bond

The Libertines cemented their reformation over ‘Columbo’ and golf.

The ‘Don’t Look Back into the Sun’ hitmakers – Pete Doherty, Carl Barat, John Hassall and Gary Powell – enjoyed a break in Pete’s current home city Hamburg, Germany, ahead of their reunion shows and the quartet enjoyed spending time as friends away from the spotlight.

Carl said: "We spent more time hanging out, rather than playing. It was fun, as friends. That’s what was missing.

"Other than that, we drunk a lot of mojitos, a lot of prostitutes recognised Pete, no-one recognised John – he got a bit upset about that – and we watched a lot of ‘Columbo’ together/ Peter’s a massive ‘Columbo’ fan so he got his box set out.

"We played gold too. Peter got a club from somewhere. I don’t mean, like, played golf on a course. We were going round the streets of Hamburg, wanging golf balls everywhere."

Pete – who has a history of drug addiction – was determined to convince his bandmates he is back on the straight and narrow.

Discussing how John kept making cups of tea for the group, he said: "I said yes every time just because I think he thinks I’m just some whiskey-guzzling maniac."

And the Babyshambles frontman thinks The Libertines are well and truly close once again.

He told NME magazine: "We’re a unit now. And Carl’s my brother. There was a time when I’d have died for him and that turned into a time I wanted to kill him. But now, I’m ready to die for him again."