
Terry Crews blasts Russell Simmons

Terry Crews says Russell Simmons told him to give the Hollywood executive who sexually assaulted him, a second chance.
Terry has previously alleged that his genitals were grabbed by WME’s Adam Venit at a Hollywood party in 2016 and he has filed a sexual assault report with the LAPD, but he has now revealed that Russell urged him not to go ahead with his case against the Hollywood agent.
Terry, 49, tweeted: "Message Russell Simmons sent to me regarding my sexual assault case against Adam Venit of @WME. Dear @UncleRUSH – NO ONE GETS A PASS (sic)."
The email read: "Did he ever apologize…Give the agent a pass…ask that he be reinstated (sic)."
Terry’s Twitter message came just hours after Russell was accused of sexual assault by Keri Claussen Khalighi, who says she was just 17 years old at the time.
She claimed that she met Russell and Brett Ratner at a casting call in 1991 and after all three went out to dinner at Mr. Chow in New York, she alleged she was forced to perform oral sex on Russell.
She told the Los Angeles Times: "I fought it wildly," before adding: "I guess I just acquiesced."
Russell, 60, has denied the claims and said: "Everything that occurred between Keri and me occurred with her full consent and participation."
Meanwhile, Terry previously revealed he felt totally "emasculated" after his encounter with Venit.
He said: "My wife and I were at an event with Adam Sandler. He’s Adam Sandler’s agent, he’s Sylvester Stallone’s agent, he’s Eddie Murphy’s agent, he’s connected to everyone I know in the business. Here’s the thing, I did not know this man. I have never had a conversation with him, ever. The first time I ever had an interaction with him was at this event."
Crews – who was a successful football player in the NFL before he became an actor – went on to say he was totally stunned when the man touched his private parts and his first instinct was to punch him in the face.
However, he somehow managed to control his anger and left the bash with his wife Rebecca King.
He added: "So I’m looking at him, and he’s staring at me and sticking his tongue out, it’s overtly sexual. It’s a party, it’s packed, and I’m looking at him like, ‘Is this a joke?’ It was so bizarre. He comes over to me, and he literally takes his hand and squeezes my genitals. I really got forceful. Pushed him back, and he starts giggling and laughing. I have never felt more emasculated, more objectified.
"When I looked at him, it was rage. I felt like I could punch a hole in his head. My wife told me three years earlier, you can never handle any situation like this with violence. When I grabbed her hand and left that party, I got in the car and almost ripped the steering wheel off. She just kept saying, ‘I’m proud of you.’ She calmed me down. She was the one who told me that this kind of thing would happen."