
Taylor Swift stayed sober for career

Taylor Swift stayed sober to avoid "going off the rails" like other pop stars.

The 23-year-old singer has revealed that she didn’t partake in underage drinking because she worried about the rumours that might spread if she was spotted out partying, but is adamant that she didn’t miss out on anything.

She said: "[I was] completely sober until I was 21! Because I knew other people can make partying look cute and edgy but, if I did, people were going to twist it into this tragic, ‘America’s-sweetheart-goes-off-the-rails-and-loses-her-mind’ thing. So I just made sure that could never be written about me, and I don’t feel like I missed out."

The ‘Shake It Off’ hitmaker thinks being "firm" and not agreeing to everything is an essential trait in anyone’s life.

She added to Britain’s Vogue magazine: "Being firm and having the ability to say no, and not feel guilty about it afterwards, is really important in any aspect of your life. Even if it’s when your 16 years old and everyone at the party is wasted and you don’t really feel comfortable about it."