Steps’ ‘Party on the Dancefloor’ tour will be jam packed with their old hits.
The quartet – comprised of Lee Latchford-Evans, Claire Richards, Lisa Scott Lee, Ian ‘H’ Watkins and Faye Tozer – will hit the road in November for their highly-anticipated reunion tour and, although they’ve just released a new album ‘Tears on the Dancefloor’, they don’t want to leave fans disappointed by leaving out their classic tracks.
Claire said: "Lots of the old, a little bit of the new. It will be as glitzy and glamorous as always. We’re just going to get as much as the old stuff in there because we want the fans to come away satisfied. But as for what is actually going to be in, we’re still planning all of that. We’ve got huge meetings this week – creative meetings – where we confirm the set list, the themes, the dances, the costumes. We usually have about a month to rehearse. To actually put ourselves on stage, it doesn’t take long. It’s the planning that’s a long time. Technically we should know most of the routines."
The 20th anniversary tour has been planned by the group for a long time, but they never expected to also be recording new music alongside it.
Faye told BANG Showbiz: "Because we were doing the 20th celebration, we started discussing it a couple of years ago. It kind of started with a new team, new management, then the new song being played and then to us agreeing to wanting to do new music and then it naturally evolve into an album. We always knew we wanted to do a tour but we never expected to have some new music to go with it."