
Sofia Hellqvist wrote song for Prince Carl Philip

Sofia Hellqvist wrote a song that was performed at her wedding to Sweden’s Prince Carl Philip.

The 36-year-old prince married the former reality star in Stockholm on Saturday (13.06.15), and during the reception, the bride – who is now known as Her Royal Highness Princess Sofia, Duchess of Värmland – introduced a performance from singer Molly Sanden, who was accompanied by Danny Saucedo.

She said: "I want to do something in my own words to show my love to you, which I’m going to do through my friends. From me to you."

The lyrics – written by Sofia – included lines which translated as: "Everything I am, everything I have: I’ll love you until my final breath and with every beat of my heart."

During his own speech, the prince recalled to guests – which included Britain’s Earl and Countess of Wessex, Denmark’s Prince Frederick and Crown Princess Mary and Crown Prince Haakon and Princess Mette-Marit of Norway – how he had driven to see Sofia’s father, who works in a job centre, to ask permission to propose and thanked her family for their support.

He also hailed the former model as his "role model" and praised the citizens of Sweden for accepting their union.

He said: "We never chose the tough way – it chose us.

"You fill my life with love and happiness. Today we prove that love conquers all.

"Sofia – you’ve enriched our family. Your family has received me with equally open arms. I’ve got another family."

"I also want to thank the Swedish people for the support that we’ve received for our love.

"Proudly I say:[Sofia] you are my role model…. I have a lot left to do in life, a long journey, but I look forward so much to travelling it with you."

Earlier in the day, at their wedding ceremony, Sofia – who wore a dress by Swedish designer Ida Sjöstedt – entered the royal chapel in Stockholm to the sound of Enya’s ‘Athair ar Neamh’, while during the service Sweding versions of Coldplay’s ‘Fix You’ and Rihanna’s ‘Umbrella’ played.

The couple exited the chapel to the sounds of upbeat gospel music.