
Simon Webbe opens up on losing brother to suicide

Simon Webbe has opened up on the tragic death of his brother to suicide two months ago.
The Blue singer has explained why he has been mostly inactive on his social media channels for the past several weeks because he is grief stricken after his younger sibling Straon took his own life.
Simon, 40, has decided to share the news of his brother’s passing because he wants to encourage people to tackle their mental health problems and ask for help if they need it.
Speaking to the new issue of OK! magazine, Simon confessed: "I’ve actually been off social media until recently because I sadly lost my brother to suicide almost two months ago.
"It is something that is taboo. It’s taught me that people just need to be honest about what they need personally.
"We need to stop being afraid and stop looking for validation. We need to ask people if they are actually OK, start healing and accept who we are, the troubles that we have and talk about it."
Simon has shared a photo of his late brother on his Instagram account admitting that he is "deeply hurt" by his shock death and can’t believe that he’ll never see him again.
He wrote: "It’s 2019 and I feel this is a year where we should be thankful, stop searching for perfection cause you will never find it. I lost my brother Straon to suicide while I was working in Bradford!
"He was someone I thought I’d see again and hurts me deep that people, like myself struggle everyday with Mental health issues, it’s taboo and needs to be brought to the forefront, we can all start by asking someone, anyone close to you " how are you really feeling" after that the key is to listen.
"Can we start there? I’m back on socials and will support the #mentalhealthawareness movement as I always have. Please be brave and talk!!!! #talk #listen #brother #sister #mother#father #issues #mentalhealthawareness#mentalhealth #music #life #live #exist#yourworthit #smilemore#morethanperfect #restinpeace (sic)"