
Simon Helberg split from wife before proposing

Simon Helberg broke up with his wife when he realised he wanted to marry her.

The ‘Big Bang Theory’ star has been married to actress-and-producer Jocelyn Towne for over six years and they’re now working on a film together which will tell the story of how, when he realised he wanted to marry her, he ended the relationship instead.

He explained: "It’s sort of embarrassing. It’s about my wife and I and our break up before I proposed. I thought I would like to marry this girl, so first of all I’m going to systematically destroy my entire life and our relationship and lie and ruin all my friendships.

"I freaked out, I thought I had feelings for other people, I thought that I needed more of an exciting life. I had the perfect thing but for whatever reason…

"It was an exercise in self destruction."

Following the split, Jocelyn decided to move to Paris, France, where she met another man, but Simon went after her and eventually the pair ended up back in the US where he decided it was finally time to pop the question.

Speaking on the ‘Late Show with David Letterman’ last night (27.02.14), he joked: "I proposed immediately on her return because I thought if I can just trap her and force her to marry me that’s the most romantic thing anyone could ask for."

The couple are now expecting their second child and Simon says he doesn’t want to know the gender of the baby because "it’s so boring when you know all those details".