Shia LaBeouf’s ‘Peanut Butter Falcon’ co-star Zack Gottsagen has changed his perspective on life.
The 33-year-old actor stars alongside the 34-year-old star, who has
Down’s syndrome – a condition which causes growth delays and intellectual disability – in the movie about a man name Zak with the genetic disorder, who befriends outlaw Tyler (LaBeouf) who becomes his coach and ally.
And LaBeouf has admitted working with Zack had a "softening effect" on him.
Speaking to HeyUGuys, he explained: "I was raised on Nirvana and ‘The Simpsons’, and I have a real cynical gene in me that sort of overwhelms the naïve-cutesy side of me.
"Then you get around Zack long enough and you start feeling the effects.
"I would just say Zack. Zack has an effect on everyone he’s around, and it’s a softening effect."
The Hollywood star – who been open about his battle with addiction, as well as PTSD from childhood trauma in the past – gives all his credit of his character’s input to Zack, and the method actor even altered his whole process.
He said: "My whole really is this dude, really listening to him, and watching him, and falling in love with him.
"I wouldn’t take credit for any of my input, you know, all these like little gestures came out of fear before you show up on set and then they disappear when you get to set."
After Zack burped, he continued: "Yeah, just like that, kind of what just happened, that was what shooting was [like].
"So, I’d be in the midst of whatever my pre-packaged thing would be whether it’s an answer or an idea and then he would burp on my idea and we would go with his and that was sort of the filming process which actually bought some of my best stuff I think.
"I get in my own way and he buffered me from myself."
The pair have stunned the red carpet with their adoring friendship, of which LeBeouf called the "biggest takeaway" from the movie.
Shia LaBeouf’s ‘cynical gene’ softened by co-star