
Sharon Corr resented being seen as ‘eye candy’

Sharon Corr felt motivated by the perception that she and her two sisters Caroline and Andrea were just "eye candy" in their band.

The 45-year-old singer stars alongside her siblings and their brother Jim in the chart-topping group and has admitted to feeling angered by the assumption that Jim was the most talented member of the band, simply because he is male.

She said: "I am the eldest sister and that did make me feel protective towards Andrea and Caroline, but we’re all pretty feisty. When we first got the band together, the assumption was that our bother, Jim, was the leader and we were just the eye candy."

However, Sharon explained that the misplaced perception proved to be a source of motivation for the sisters, who were not shy in letting their opinions be heard.

The Irish star told The Sunday Times newspaper: "That made us fight even harder for recognition. But nobody ever came to us and told us we had to wear skimpy tops in our videos … they knew we would be the first to tell them where to stick them."