
Sam Smith inspired by women for new album

Sam Smith’s new album is inspired by women.

The ‘Stay with Me’ hitmaker already has written several songs for his second LP – the follow up to his triple Grammy-winning debut ‘In the Lonely Hour’ – and the female vocalists he has been listening to have had an effect on the music.

The 22-year-old singer told Australian website "I love it when people think I’m a woman, it’s a huge compliment. All I do is listen to female voices. That means my voice has been massively influenced by who I listen to."

Sam has the "concept" for his album ready but won’t rush release the record.

He explained: "I feel like I’ve already got the concept for the next record worked out, I’ve written a few songs that I’m really excited about but I don’t want to release anything until it’s perfect. But I’m constantly writing music."

Sam has been praised for his brutally honest lyrics on his debut and he has promised more of the same on the new LP because he wants his music to contain "messages" for listeners.

He said: "It’s important to make your messages through the art, through the music. Interviews only last so long, songs and albums and videos and music last a lifetime."