Saffron Barker’s home was burgled while her family slept.
The ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ star’s car was stolen in the raid, and she revealed her brother Jed heard someone come into his room in the early hours, but assumed it was a member of his family.
In a YouTube video recorded a few days ago, she said: "It’s been a very stressful morning.
"My dad woke up this morning like he usually would, went to go outside and go to work and realised that all our cars were gone.
"So basically our cars have been stolen. We got broken into last night and stuff inside our house was taken, like handbags and shoes as well.
"I was so upset this morning and obviously still am, but luckily we’re all safe and that’s what’s most important.
"This stuff can be replaced, but it is horrible knowing that someone’s come into your house while you’re sleeping.
"We know exactly what time it happened last night because Jed heard somebody in his room at 3am and just thought it was us.
"He said he saw flashing lights and stuff but was half asleep so he genuinely thought it was just us."
But Saffron later removed the video because she thought it might be "a little bit too early, because the police are still investigating".
In a new clip, she added: "The reason I’m mentioning this is because people that did see the vlog have been so worried and concerned.
"I just want to say thank you so much. Me and my family are totally fine, and that’s what is most important."
Saffron Barker’s home burgled while family slept