
Royals warned about poisonous tree at Anmer Hall

Britain’s Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have been warned about a poisonous tree in their garden at Anmer Hall in Norfolk.

The royal couple – who tied the knot in 2011 and had their second child, Princess Charlotte, in May – have been warned to beware of a poisonous laburnum tree at their family home.

Leigh Hunt, of the Royal Horticultural Society, told the Daily Express newspaper: "Families with young children should certainly warn their children of the risk if they have a laburnum in their garden.

"But if they have children who are prone to putting things in their mouths, then they might consider removing the tree."

Although deaths caused by laburnum trees are very rare, they can lead to a burning mouth, nausea and vomiting after ingestion.

Dr Kate King, a spokeswoman for Pubic Health England, said: "Our main advice to anybody is to take precautions to prevent small children from eating or touching the seeds.

"Pick seed pods up when they fall to the ground in autumn to prevent children putting them in their mouths.

"And wash youngsters’ hands thoroughly if they have come into contact with them."