
Roy Barraclough slams Coronation Street’s extra episode a week

‘Coronation Street’ legend Roy Barraclough thinks the show’s decision to air six nights a week is "pure overkill."
The 81-year-old actor – who is known for playing Alec Gilroy in the long-running soap on and off between 1972 and 1998 – believes ITV’s decision to add an extra episode a week will put the cast under so much strain that they’ll probably fall ill.
He said: "I don’t wish them ill but I fear it will all end in tears – the quality is bound to suffer. The actors will not be able to cope, so they will inevitably have to get in more actors to play more characters. With such a huge cast it is very difficult to pull that off. Of course it can be done, but just how well is another matter. It is a mistake, it’s pure overkill."
And, although the new running schedule is yet to be put in place, Roy believes the soap is already suffering in quality.
Speaking to the Daily Mirror newspaper, he said: "I don’t watch it [‘Coronation Street’] now. I can’t get interested in it, the storylines are all over the place."
However, the show’s new boss Kate Oates believes the extra episode will allow for old cast members to make a return.
She teased previously: "I’ve been tossing around a few ideas in my head about who will be back. There’s nothing I can really talk about yet. I’d need to talk to the writers first.
"I think ‘Corrie’ has a strong cast and also a strong history. And it’s nice to mix and match. I’m looking forward to seeing what the writers are interested in doing and matching their ideas with mine.
"Often you find yourselves thinking from the same place. You think along similar lines. And I’m sure that’s true when it comes to bringing back popular characters."