
Ronnie Vannucci is weak link

Ronnie Vannucci Jr. thinks he is the "weakest link" in Big Talk.

The 36-year-old rocker has hailed the musicians who form his side-project – including Tenacious D guitarist John Konesky and bassist John Spiker and Bad Religion drummer Brooks Wackerman -"geniuses", and he hopes he can get better through their talent.

He said: "I’d sling a guitar over and yell into a mic.

"I’m a slow adult bringing ideas to geniuses.

"Through osmosis I’m becoming a better guitarist and hopefully a better singer. That would do the whole world a favour."

The group’s new album is titled ‘Straight In No Kissin”, a phrase Ronnie heard while The Killers were performing in Dublin and he was determined to use even though he didn’t really know what it meant.

Speaking of the title – which he initially suggested for The Killers’ ‘Battle Born’ album – he said: "I don’t know if it means ‘we didn’t get a parking space’ or ‘the date went well’ but it’as a f***in grad title for a rocker."

Ronnie penned the record in 2013 while on the road with The Killers.

He explained to NME magazine: "I didn’t have time to get drunk at night, so I wrote on a guitar while I was jetlagged."