
Rolling Stones book to sell for 5k

A new Rolling Stones book will sell for a staggering $5,000.

The boxed, collector’s edition of ‘The Rolling Stones’ – a coffee table book featuring hundreds of photographs – will be signed by band members Sir Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Charlie Watts and Robbie Wood and goes on sale in December, but fans will have to shell out a huge sum for one of the 1,150 copies of the tome.

Those less willing to dig deep will be able to purchase an unsigned smaller edition for $150.

In a statement issued through publishers Taschen, ‘Brown Sugar’ singer Mick promised the book captures "many magical moments," while guitarist Keith described it as a "roller coaster" through the band’s 50 year history.

Fans who buy the book may get to see a glimpse of the group’s life backstage, though Ronnie recently admitted the veteran rockers shun wild parties for more leisurely pursuits on the road these days, including backgammon, jigsaw puzzles, and binge-watching television shows.

Ronnie said: "Being on tour jetlags you. You wake up every night about 9pm, just at the time when you would be going on stage. So now, instead, we watch 19 murder mysteries in a row. We’re on ‘Above Suspicion’ at the moment. Last one tonight.

"We watch loads of box sets on the road, too. Even with [Sir Mick] Jagger I go, ‘Let’s go and watch ‘House of Cards’.’ And he told us about ‘Game of Thrones’. We had to send someone out at four in the morning when we were in Shanghai to get us the next series."