
Queen praises Paralympics hero Georgina Hermitage

Queen Elizabeth has congratulated Georgina Hermitage on winning a gold medal at the Paralympics.
The monarch praised the 27-year-old parasport athlete through the Royal Family Twitter account – which keeps fans updating on the activities of the 90-year-old monarch and her relatives – after she triumphed in the 400m T37 race in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil yesterday (13.09.16).
A tweet on the official Royal Family Twitter account read: "Well done!! Amazing achievement in #Rio2016"
Georgina thanked the royals and others for their kind words and admitted she was focused on winning gold in her next event, the relay.
In a series of tweets, she wrote: "Have no words to describe how I feel right now. Thankyou everyone for all your kind tweets. Now to focus onto the next race. #Supercharge
"Thankyou so much to everyone for your tweets! This is what dreams are made of! #bringontherelay. (sic)"
The royals also congratulated Team GB’s Sascha Kindred after he won gold in the 200m Individual Medley SM6 swimming.
The queen’s Twitter retweeted his message which stated: "Thank you very much for all the kind messages it’s really hard to keep up. Wow what a day yesterday was."
This comes after Prince Harry’s pal Elizabeth Marks won a gold medal at the Paralympics.
The 25-year-old star followed on from her gold at this summer’s Invictus Games by repeating the feat in the 100m breaststroke race at the spectacle in Rio, and set a new world record in the process.