
Queen Elizabeth’s weekly donation

Britain’s Queen Elizabeth only carries cash on Sundays.

The 89-year-old monarch never carries money with her except for the five pound note she donates to the church collection basket every week.

A source told Us Weekly: "She donates to the church collection basket. Her butler irons a 5-pound note into a little square by folding it until you can only see her face!"

Although the queen has a sizeable fortune, it was recently revealed that the Beckham family are now wealthier than she is.

David and Victoria, together with their four children Brooklyn, 16, Romeo, 13, ten-year-old Cruz and Harper, four, have become a lucrative brand that has amassed more cash than Her Majesty.

According to academics at the London School of Marketing, the family business – which includes David’s company Footworks and Victoria’s fashion empire entitled Beckham Ventures – has accrued £470m with the figure rising annually by around £30m to £40m.

What’s more, the retired soccer star enjoyed a rise in income when he gave up professional football last year and won a £50million contract to endorse a new whiskey for Diageo.

Meanwhile, in comparison Queen Elizabeth is worth approximately £340million, according to the Sunday Times Rich List 2015.

The main source of the monarch’s income is her Sovereign Grant – a 15 per cent payment from the profits made by the Crown Estate that is paid to her annually.

The Crown Estate is an independent commercial property business, with one of the largest property portfolios in the UK, that dates back to 1760 when George III reached an agreement with the government for surplus revenue from the crown’s lands to go to the Treasury.

Since then, every succeeding monarch has renewed the arrangement.