
Queen Elizabeth speaks French with kids

Britain’s Queen Elizabeth spoke to schoolchildren in French on Thursday (16.07.15).

The monarch – who is known for excellent linguistic skills – visited Sydney Russell School in Dagenham, east London, where she joined a year eight French lesson and chatted with pupils.

After arriving in the classroom, The Queen had a conversation with 13-year-old pupil Suvika Kumaravelu who showed her a photograph of her Sri Lankan grandfather and explained to her in French how they had exchanged cards as they shared the same birthday.

Following the student’s explanation, the 89-year-old royal replied, "Ah, vraiment?" (Oh, really?) before pointing at the picture and asking, "Votre grand-pere?" (Your grandfather?).

The children at the school then gave a presentation about former French President Charles de Gaulle, who Elizabeth said she knew "very well".

Later in the day, the school’s head teacher Roger Leighton – who had been present for the class – told reporters: "I said that he was an impressive man, but could be stubborn. She did not disagree. She said that he was an interesting man to deal with. Let’s leave it at that."

The visit was the monarch’s final royal engagement before she travels to her Balmoral estate in Scotland for a summer break.