
Queen Elizabeth helped out journalist in need

Britain’s Queen Elizabeth once flew a journalist home on her private plane.

The 89-year-old monarch was dismayed to learn John Harrison’s wife had gone into labour while he was covering a royal tour of Canada and he would be unable to make it home for the baby’s birth, so decided to take action.

According to ‘The Wicked Wit Of Queen Elizabeth’ by Karen Dolby, she told her staff: "That won’t do at all. Let him fly home with me on the royal flight."

John boarded the plane and successfully made it to the birth of his son Paul, and he and his family later received a message of congratulations from the monarch.

In return for the flight home, John was asked not to write about his return journey and happily agreed with the request.

Elsewhere, the book discusses the queen’s amusement at meeting members of the public on walkabouts during her official visits.

She is said to have once quipped: "I have to be seen to be believed."

And on one occasion, an escort commander blocked the crowd’s view of the royal carriage.

The queen pointed out: "Actually, captain, I think it’s me they’ve come to see."