
Queen Elizabeth crowd-funding appeal receives two donations

A planned concert for Britain’s Queen Elizabeth has raised just £15 in donations through a crowd-funding appeal.

On September 9, the Queen will become the longest-reigning British monarch and it had been hoped that the date would be marked by a spectacular concert, with a crowd-funding appeal organised to raise £65,000 to cover costs.

Thus far, however, only two people have made donations, and with the full £65,000 needed by July 22, there appears little prospect of the proposed celebration going ahead at the 02 Arena in London.

Thomas Mace-Archer-Mills, the chairman of the British Monarchist Society, told the Daily Telegraph newspaper: "It is unconscionable that no one person, organisation, or the government has given an thought to properly celebrating the most historic milestone in this nation’s history, let alone honouring Her Majesty for the life long service she has given the people of this world. A proper show of appreciation is only appropriate.

"This generation has never witnessed a piece of history like this. The last people to do so were the Victorians and a reign of this length is unlikely to be seen again."

Meanwhile, the Tower of London has been given approval from the Royal Household to post a message on its walls from one minute past midnight on September 10, saying "For Queen and Country".