Priyanka Chopra wants to have "lots of babies".
The 34-year-old actress has big plans for her future, including raising a large family and doing a lot of travelling.
Asked three things on her bucket list, she said: "Go to every island in the world, have lots of babies and the third thing would be… I don’t know I’m still thinking about my third one."
When it comes to romance, Priyanka likes to be surprised and doesn’t want conventional gifts.
She advised would-be suitors: "Surprise a girl, don’t do the whole chocolates and flowers thing."
And asked her perfect first date, she said: "Fly me to an unknown destination to see the sunset."
The ‘Quantico’ actress admitted she has been on the receiving end of some bad pick-up lines from guys.
Discussing the worst she’d heard in Vogue’s 73 Questions, she said: "Did you just fart, because you blew me away?"
Priyanka won the Miss World pageant in 2000 but didn’t get to keep her crown.
She said: "I didn’t get to keep it because it was made of solitaires and sapphires. So they took it back and it circulates 50 years now."
And the ‘Baywatch’ beauty admitted she made a slip-up when being quizzed about her heroines during the contest.
She recalled: "[I was asked] Who is the living woman you admire most. I said Mother Theresa, but she was dead. I still won though. She lives on in my heart.
"I’d say Michelle Obama [now]. I think she’s aspirational, super cool, and at the same time, just real."
Priyanka has heard a number of incorrect pronunciations of her name, and while she’s used to her surname being mispronounced, she can’t understand why people get her first name wrong.
She said of the errors: "Bianca – my name starts with a P, and it’s Chopra, like Oprah, not Chop-ra, or whatever."