
Prince Charles set for day of engagements in Edinburgh

Britain’s Prince Charles is set to carry out a series of engagements in Edinburgh, Scotland today (23.06.15).

The 66-year-old royal and his wife, the Duchess of Cornwall, are heading to the Scottish capital by train, before attending an event designed to celebrate the achievements of women in engineering.

The prince will meet groups of primary school children undertaking a range of activities at a technology firm, as part of National Women in Engineering Day.

Thereafter, he will be joined by his wife as they visit the food and drink festival at St Andrew’s Square, thereby marking 15 years of farmers’ markets in the city of Edinburgh.

What’s more, the duo will be afforded a guided tour of the Farm to Fork event, which hails locally produced food and drink.

Earlier this month, Charles and the Duchess unveiled a memorial to British soldiers who fought and died at the Battle of Waterloo.

The prince pulled down a Union Jack to reveal Vivienne Mallock’s lasting tribute at Hougoumont Farm in Belgium, which depicts two soldiers struggling to close a gate to save the site from being overrun by the French.