
Prince Charles pays tribute to Scottish World War One dead

Britain’s Prince Charles paid tribute to a remote Scottish community who lost many lives in World War One.

The heir to the throne wore a Gordon Highlanders kilt as he observed a minute’s silence at the short service that took place at the memorial cairn built by local peple in Cabrach, Moray.

Charles also laid a wreath, which read: "In special memory of those from the Cabrach, and the parishes of Rhynie, Lumsden and Dufftown who lost their lives during the First World War."

The Duke of Rothesay chatted to locals and children at the ceremony where it was recognised that more people from the local farming communities died than previously thought in the Great War from battle and disease.

Marc Ellington lead the building of the memorial and said that Prince Charles was pleased with their achievement.

He said: "As well as being one of the finest memorial cairns to be built in Scotland in recent years, this is an outstanding example of what a local community, working together with energy and determination, can achieve.

"His royal highness was greatly pleased with the monument as he is extremely interested in traditional building skills.

"He is a great champion of traditional skills and rural communities. It was a fitting end to a great project.