Ollie Locke only pooped twice in two weeks while filming ‘The Island’.
The ‘Made in Chelsea’ star suffered from constipation on the programme – on which a group of celebrities have to fend for themselves while living together on an uninhabited land mass – and admitted when he finally could relieve himself his business resembled powdered dessert treat Angel Delight.
He said: "I barely weed as we had so little water and I pooed twice in two weeks.
"And I’m sorry but I’m going to be detailed here; when I did go, it was the consistency and colour of butterscotch Angel Delight."
As well as struggling with his bowel movements, Ollie was also attacked by sand flies and found the scratching from their bites to be "biblical".
Despite barely drinking and being savaged by insects, the group managed to find some food in the shape of a caiman crocodile, which Ollie was tasked with "humanely" slaughtering with a machete.
He said: "We were starving and we knew that there was a caiman crocodile on the island.
"Killing it wasn’t something we wanted to do – it was horrible to take a life – but it was done humanely and gave us the food we needed for three days.
"My friends now call me Ollie Locke Croc Horror."
The 28-year-old star made up for hardly eating and going without alcohol for two weeks when he got home – but he ate and drank so much he vomited.
When asked how he celebrated his time on the show, he added to OK! magazine: "I went to the Big Easy restaurant in Chelsea with Thom [Evans] – I ate so much and got so drunk that I was so sick!"
Ollie Locke’s poop problems