
Morrissey insists he’s been dropped from record label

Morrissey insists he has been dropped by his record label, despite the company denying his claims.

The former Smiths frontman is adamant he has proof in an email that he was ditched by Capitol-Harvest Records, but label boss Steve Barnett has dismissed claims the organisation and the 55-year-old singer have parted company following the release of his solo album ‘World Peace Is None Of Your Business’.

In a statement on fansite True To You, Morrissey wrote: "Both Morrissey and Morrissey’s lawyer are in possession of email correspondence from Steve Barnett (head of Capitol-Harvest Records), and also from Steve Barnett’s personal assistant, both of whom confirm that Capitol-Harvest have ended their relationship with Morrissey. No recording Agreement with Capitol-Harvest was ever signed by Morrissey, and Morrissey retains full ownership of (new album) World Peace is None Of Your Business.

"Contrary to the assured Billboard report, Capitol-Harvest have very clearly stated that they would have no interest in licensing a second album by Morrissey. (Law firm) Russells (London), who represent Morrissey, are presently concluding Morrissey’s relationship with Harvest Records. Once again, Morrissey is in search of a new label."

But last week, a source told Billboard that Morrissey hadn’t been dropped from his label and was halfway through his two-album deal with the company.