
Mitch Winehouse doesn’t blame Amy’s ex

Mitch Winehouse doesn’t blame Amy Winehouse’s ex-husband for her death.

The showbiz patriarch insists he wishes Blake Fielder-Civil – who was married to the late singer from 2007 to 2009 and has admitted introducing her to heroin – no ill will and hopes he is doing well in his life.

He said: "I haven’t heard anything from Blake, I don’t know what he’s doing, I know he wasn’t well a few months ago. I don’t blame him for Amy’s passing, I wish him well."

Since Amy’s death from accidental alcohol poisoning in July 2011, Mitch has established the Amy Winehouse Foundation and would like to enlist Blake to work for the organisation, which trains recovering addicts to go into schools and speak of their experiences.

He told the Daily Mirror newspaper: "Blake is the kind of person who we send into schools to talk to kids about the dangers of drugs. He has a story to tell and he could help many hundreds of young people through his story.

"Blake could pay back something to society by going to talk to kids and doing the kind of work we do. If he wants to do that we will make it happen.

"Who better to tell that story than Blake? It would be incredibly powerful."

Although Mitch admits life is still difficult without Amy, the charity helps him and his family cope with their grief.

He added: "We are channelling our grief into positivity. If we didn’t have the foundation I don’t know what we would do to be honest. From a selfish point of view the foundation, though it does help many thousands of people now, helps us too.

"To go and work with young kids who are homeless and we are feeding and helping them. It is wonderful and extremely rewarding.

"Any parent will tell you that you never really get over it. We are in recovery – like an addict."