
Mike Love wants Brian Wilson reunion

Mike Love wants Brian Wilson to reunite with the Beach Boys.
Although the surviving members of the group – Mike, Brian, Al Jardine and Bruce Johnston – reunited in 2012 for a 50th anniversary album and tour, Brian has since returned to his solo tours but Mike still hopes for a full reunion one day.
Speaking to the Yorkshire Evening Post, he said: "The problem with that album was I was told I was going to be able to write with Brian. That was never allowed. I was misrepresented. If it was just Brian and I could go to a piano with him that would be awesome but it hasn’t worked out that way. But I would never say anything other than I would love to have a chance to get together with Brian, but his life is pretty much dictated by others. He has his own band and thing that he does with concerts and stuff and we do ours, and so I don’t know. I’m not opposed to it but on the other hand there’s no imminent plans for doing things."
And although Mike may be unhappy that Brian is no longer playing with the group, he maintains his love for what they have achieved and for the group’s fans.
He said: "The beauty of the Beach Boys’ music, the stuff that we’ve created for going on five decades now, it seems to transcend generations. Not only do our original fans still love to hear those songs, their children and some of their grandchildren like the Beach Boys, which is kind of miraculous if you think about it.
"There’s still that feeling when you step out on stage in front of an audience that’s listened to your music, maybe grown up with it, maybe it’s the first time they’ve ever seen you in concert, there’s a real joy to that and you don’t get that inside a studio. You get other rewards, like hearing the results of your recording and working very hard and perfecting everything, but that’s a different vibration."