Michael B. Jordan wants to turn his hand to directing.
The ‘Black Panther’ star says he is cutting down how many movies he stars in and instead wants to focus on being behind the camera.
Speaking to Time magazine, he said: "I see a world where I’m just directing. Or maybe doing a movie once every two or three years. How you make the most impact is: become the biggest. Build your brand so it’s global, so you can attack global issues. Every move matters."
Meanwhile, Michael previously revealed his role model is his dad.
He said: "It’s hard for me to really choose a role model but I would have to say the closest thing I have to one is my dad. He is somebody I look up to, constantly measure myself against and who keeps inspiring me every day."
The 32-year-old actor treasures the time he gets to spend with his family because his work takes him away so often.
Asked how he spends his time outside of work, he said: "Sports, anything athletic. I used to play basketball a lot. I like getting outside, honestly, being in nature and travelling whenever I can. It’s really important to see different things and get inspired by the world that’s around us. Spending time with my family too. I’m always going somewhere so whenever I get to spend quality time with my brother, my sister, my mom and dad, I try to soak up those moments as much as I can."