
Mel Gibson’s Hacksaw Ridge receives standing ovation at Venice Film Festival

The Mel Gibson-directed ‘Hacksaw Ridge’ received a ten-minute standing ovation at the Venice Film Festival.
The new biographical war film – which stars Andrew Garfield and Vince Vaughn – debuted at the world-famous festival in Italy and received a rousing reception from the audience.
‘Hacksaw Ridge’ centres on the story of conscientious objector Desmond Doss, who was awarded the Medal of Honor for his efforts as a combat medic.
Doss was a Seventh Day Adventist who refused to carry a gun – and Mel recently admitted he hopes the movie will "honor" people who work in the armed forces.
He said: "The man who refuses to touch a weapon, and do something much higher than something as venal as killing in a war; it’s a very high calling … You have to love the warrior, and give him homage and honor him. I hope this film does that."
The controversial 60-year-old director also admitted to being captivated by Doss’ religious commitment.
He explained: "It’s undeniable what the essence of Doss was: he was a man of great courage and strong conviction, and strong faith; to go into a battle zone like that – which the Japanese called it ‘steel rain’, with the artillery and lead flying around – to go into that armed with only your faith, your faith has to be strong in you.
"That’s an undeniable part of the story I found really inspiring."
‘Hacksaw Ridge’ is Mel’s first film as director since 2006’s ‘Apocalypto’ and is set for wide release on November 4.