
Matt Lucas used sex to cope with ex-husband’s death

Matt Lucas had "lots of sex" to cope with the death of his ex-husband.
The 43-year-old comedic actor was devastated when his former husband Kevin McGee – whom he was married to for two years before their divorce in 2008 – took his own life at the age of 32 in 2009.
And the ‘Little Britain’ actor has now revealed he tried to "distract himself" from the tragedy by sleeping with various men he met online, as he thought it was better than turning to drink or drugs to help him cope.
He said: "I think people respond in all different ways to grief. I thought I was very conscientious going to a bereavement counsellor and not turning to drink, which I hardly ever do – I probably have six units a year. I’m not going to start smoking again, I’m not going to do drugs.
"But I ended up eating lots and having lots of sex. That was how I responded. As much as anything I was trying to distract myself."
The ‘Doctor Who’ actor stayed in the UK for three years after Kevin’s tragic death, but decided to move to California in 2012, in an attempt to "build a new life" for himself.
Speaking to the Sunday Times newspaper, Matt said: "I wanted to build a new life. The first thing [they say] when something as terrible as that happens is not to do anything radical. Don’t immediately sell your house when someone dies, don’t get a new job. But enough time had gone by for me to think now was the time to move on. I thought I had to go somewhere warm, so I went to California."