
Mariah Carey proud of musical twins

Mariah Carey says her twins were fantastic while they worked on her album.

The star’s daughter Monroe and son Moroccan, both three, both contributed to a song on ‘Me. I Am Mariah… The Elusive Chanteuse’ and their famous mother was delighted at how they handled the recording sessions.

She told the Sunday Mirror newspaper’s Notebook magazine: "It’s astonishing to hear my daughter sing and to sing with her, she’s a natural.

"I feel like I’m bragging, but they’re both featured on a song called ‘Supernatural’ on the album, I wrote it about them and for them.

"It blows my mind, the attention span they have when we’re recording."

Mariah suggested her "script" parenting with regards to technology could be a reason they were more tuned into the session.

She explained: "I guess it’s because I don’t let them sit on the iPad all day, I’m strict about that.

"Monroe if I put her on stage, doesn’t want to leave, and I’ve noticed she wants to sing a song in her own way. She’s taking creative control.

"Roc is a true guy, he’ll be there in his pyjamas and lie next to me and watch a whole movie – he’ll know the dialogue, know what scene is coming next, they’re both aware of everything."