Margot Robbie worked out for three hours a day to prepare for ‘Suicide Squad’.
The blonde beauty’s trainer Andie Hecker has revealed details of the rigorous exercise regime Margot had to go through to get the figure she wanted.
Andie told PEOPLE magazine: "She was a total trooper. It was very satisfying to see her body change into exactly what she wanted it to look like in such a short time … There’s a scene in ‘Suicide Squad’ where she changes clothes in front of a bunch of dudes, so her abs needed to be impeccable. And in those tiny shorts Harley wears, her butt was constantly on display …
"We did a lot of heavy-weighted, low reps of arabesque pulls hooked up to resistance pulleys, as well as arabesque lifts with heavy ankle weights in order to build and lift the butt. We also did a ton of side series outer thigh work, targeting outer glutes with high reps and low weights, to pull those muscles in and create a beautiful line from the waist to the upper thigh …
"We also mix in non-bulking cardio such as jump rope, rebounder and ballet jumps – which are surprisingly the most challenging form of cardio I’ve ever come across."
Meanwhile, the 26-year-old star previously admitted she is "grateful" to play Harley Quinn in the DC Comics blockbuster.
She said: "It’s so are as an actress that you get given a role this messed up and gritty and funny. He didn’t write it like a chick but he wrote it for a chick and I’m grateful. It’s so rare that chicks get to play this role."