Kylie Minogue’s Las Vegas show contains “hedonism, escapism, joy and rapture”.
The 55-year-old singer helped to launch Voltaire at Venetian Las Vegas with her new residency and Kylie has promised her fans that they can expect a special show as she takes them on a 75-minute journey through her five-decade-long career.
She told Variety: “It’s hedonism, escapism, joy, rapture, all those things that you want in a show.
“It’s been really fun being part of the birth of this place and having a real vested interest in Voltaire as a whole. It’s an investment from all of us, committing to it and believing in the project. Ideas are cheap, and anything on paper looks possible, but making it a reality … everyone’s here for the common purpose. We’re always open and excited about expanding and discovering new worlds. I really think Voltaire has done that. If I jump forward five to 10 years from now, I will look back on this go wow that was really something.”
Kylie has been working with longtime choreographer Ashley Wallen on the show and Wallen said: “When you go see Kylie in an arena — she’s over there. It’s a huge spectacle. At Voltaire we have to make sure that everyone gets their time with her.”
And, Kylie’s show also features opening act Belle de Nuit, an original Parisian-style cabaret.
Show director Manon Savary said: “We all had the feeling that this type of format was missing. It was a perfect crossover in between live cabaret with close proximity to the audience, and, of course, the cherry on top is the headliners.
“We always have a guideline of what we want to propose to the audience. The core of it is disco, because it brings people together, it makes people beautiful. It’s transgenerational so it links everybody.”