
Kristin Cavallari’s sex life gets better every year

Kristin Cavallari thinks her sex life has improved with time.
The 33-year-old reality TV star has been married to Jay Cutler since 2013 – although they’ve been together since 2010 – and she believes their bedroom antics have become friskier, riskier and more intimate the longer they’ve been together.
Speaking to ‘Mob Town’ actress Diana Madison for the second season of her podcast ‘Dream Big’, Kristin said: "It’s hard, marriage is hard. It takes an effort from both people, both people have to really want it…
"Jay and I really make each other laugh. He’s very supportive, and we both let each other be ourselves, we have fun! It’s all about communication…
"The longer you’re together, not only is the sex better, but you get to know each other so well, it’s this closeness I’ve never had with anybody else, and it’s a bond and you just get each other. And we’re still learning about each other, and you evolve and it’s just kind of nice to grow with somebody."
The couple have three children – Camden, seven, Jaxon, five, and Saylor, four – and ‘The Hills’ star thinks being parents has put extra pressure on their marriage because they have conflicting views on how to raise their kids.
She explained: "Marriage is really hard with kids, kids put stress on a relationship that’s just the truth. If you have different parenting styles, it offers a unique set of problems… My mom always said, you want to be a unified front in front of the kids. You can’t be like daddy says it’s okay but mommy doesn’t. You have to talk about that solo and then come back and be unified front in front of the kids."
Although they have a very active sex life, the pair aren’t planning any more babies.
Kristin explained: "You know what, my daughters 4 and to go back to the baby phase and do all of it again, I don’t think I could do it…
"Mentally, physically, I just couldn’t do it. We have 2 boys and a girl, and we feel so complete that’s what we wanted and I feel really blessed that’s what we got. We’re doing great, so why rock the boat?… You know what I never understood baby fever, and lately I have a few people in my life who have had little babies and they’re so tiny and cute, but then I get to give them back."