
King Willem-Alexander posts video of Catharina’s ride to school

The Netherlands’ King Willem-Alexander posted a video of his eldest daughter’s ride to school yesterday (24.08.15).

The 48-year-old royal joined the army of proud parents who share snapshots of their children’s lives when he uploaded the short film, that showed Princess Catharina Amalia heading off from their home on her bicycle for her first day of high school, to social media site Facebook.

The heir to the dutch throne looked happy as she smiled and waved at the camera and sat upon the shiny bike that carried a pink basket, presumably full of school books, on her first day attending the Christian Gymnasium Sorghvliet in The Haag.

However, alongside the heart-warming video the King – who is also a protective parent – added a message to the public that asked for the young royal’s privacy to be repected.

He wrote: "Like her peers, the Princess has a right to an undisturbed youth. As the future life of the Princess will largely be devoted to public duties, it is important to respect her privacy."

The video and message was an unexpected move from Willem who has tried to keep his daughters, including Arianen and Alexia, out of the public eye.

The King and his wife Queen Maxima have also said that Catharina Amalia won’t begin official engagements until she’s 18 years old and enters the State Council.