
JWoww has pregnancy tans

Jenni ‘JWoww’ Farley’s fiancé is in charge of keeping her topped up with spray tan while she’s pregnant.

The former ‘Jersey Shore’ star is pregnant with her first child with Roger Mathews and made a deal with him to prevent her looking pasty while she’s expecting.

She said: "I feel my sexiest when I’m tanned. Even pregnant I use my spray tan. Every week Roger spay tans me. That was my deal with him, I said, ‘If I’m carrying your kid, you’re making me tan!"

As well as keeping her brown, Jenni, 29, says Roger, 38, is being very attentive to her needs.

She added to America’s OK! magazine: "He’s just being very mushy which is not his style at all. Whatever I need, Roger takes care of it. He’s very supportive I everything I want, and he doesn’t tell me my food cravings are extreme.

"We are perfect together because we waited until later life to have a baby. We’ve already been there, done that. Now we can concentrate on our daughter."