
John Krasinski thought it was ‘thrilling’ writing films with Matt Damon

John Krasinski found it "thrilling" working with Matt Damon.
The 39-year-old actor and producer began collaborating with the 48-year-old star when they met through Krasinski’s wife Emily Blunt, and just months after meeting they developed the Oscar winning screenplay ‘Manchester By The Sea’.
In an interview with The Playlist, he opened up about their working relationship and said: "The first two ideas and my first two scripts ever were ‘Manchester By The Sea’ which I came up together with Matt and the second idea became ‘Promised Land’.
"We gave ‘Manchester By The Sea’ to Kenneth Lonergan to develop and that, that all happened within just months of meeting each other, which was thrilling."
The pair met when John’s wife Blunt starred alongside Damon in ‘The The Adjustment Bureau’ however the actor declared that despite never meeting the actor, he had suspicions they would become friends.
He explained: "It was simple; he did a movie with my wife. I had never met him, but I’m from Boston like him, and I think everybody in Boston somewhere has the ‘Good Will Hunting’ poster tattooed on their back, so I admired what he and Ben [Affleck] did with that story. It had such a major impact on me.
"To finally meet him was something that I was nervous about it. Then Emily worked with him, and we met there, and it was an amazing experience for me because we became friends very quickly.
"We had a lot in common, and I’d say a month or so after we became friends he said, ‘you write, right?’ I said, ‘Yeah.’ Matt said, ‘Do you have any screenplay ideas?’."