Jenny Ryan has confessed ‘Beat The Chasers’ has made her colleagues more competitive with one another.
The 38-year-old genius is competing on the new show alongside other Chasers including Mark Labbett, Shaun Wallace, Anne Hegerty and Paul Sinha and she admits the new format has caused everyone to fight that little harder with one another.
She said: "It’s very fleeting. I don’t have a good poker face when I’m in the zone. You will get the glaring or rolling my eyes when someone gives an incorrect answer – especially if I was buzzing in. We were having to remind ourselves we’re playing as a team. We wanted to avoid someone hogging the buzzer or crashing in with wrong answers."
And host Bradley Walsh admits it has been funny to see the in-house fighting between the Chasers team as they go head to head to try and stop their rival team winning large sums of money.
He added to Chronicle Live: "They’ve got to be quick on the buzzer to not let the time go by. They are jumping in and then as soon as they realise they’ve given a wrong answer it’s, ‘Agh!’ You could see it in their faces and you could see it in the other Chasers’ faces as well where they’re thinking, ‘Oh crikey, fancy saying that!’ At the end of it, the Chasers that had made the mistakes were so apologetic saying,’I’m so sorry I made a mistake.’ And I loved that because they’re normally not that humble."
Bradley had previously explained how the most exciting part of the show would be see the Chasers learning how to play as a team as they usually face contestants individually.
He remarked: "I think sometimes they found it difficult and that was what was interesting to me. They’re not team players. They don’t normally play as a team. For them to try this out was an experiment to see how they got on."
Jenny Ryan: Beat The Chasers has made us more competitive