
Jared Leto thinks about death

Jared Leto often thinks about death.

The 30 Seconds to Mars frontman and his older brother Shannon, 43, were involved in drugs when they were younger and Jared often wonders if they would still be alive if he they hadn’t have formed a band.

Jared said: "My brother and I were from the wrong side of the tracks and had we not found creativity we would either be in prison or dead."

He added: "I think about death quite a bit. We’re all on borrowed time. But death wipes out the old and brings in the new. It’s nature’s great innovator, right? And it’s the one thing we can all count on."

Despite being a teenage tearaway, Jared, now 42, didn’t think he was doing anything wrong at the time and took joy out of getting away with being a trouble-maker.

He said: "We didn’t think about things being illegal or not. Drugs, whatever, it was only bad if you got caught. We got caught plenty but I tell you there’s no feeling greater than getting away with it. Especially if the cops are actually running after you you and you get away."

Jared has since become a successful musician and actor, who is nominated for Best Supporting Actor at the Oscars next month, for his role in ‘Dallas Buyer’s Club’, but he insists he has never dreamed about winning.

He added to Q Magazine: "[I’ve] never [thought about winning]. Though I’m sure it’s working its way into my subconscious now. Growing up I had hippy parents and we didn’t have a TV so I was never exposed to awards."