
James ‘Arg’ Argent for I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here! jungle?

Lydia Bright wants her ex-boyfriend James ‘Arg’ Argent to live in the ‘I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here!’ jungle.
The ‘Only Way is Essex’ star is desperate to ship her former flame, whom she dumped earlier this year, off to the Australian outback because she believes he’ll be "right at home" with the creepy crawlies and slithery snakes.
A source told the Daily Star newspaper: "Ideally she wants Arg to be dropped into the ‘I’m A Celebrity…’ camp. She thinks he will be right at home with the bugs and snakes."
The pair, who have been dating since they were at school, split in April after the 26-year-old beauty found him doing cocaine on her sofa after she returned from a night out.
The turbulent lovers were just about to put a deposit down on a house and were even discussing marriage when things came to a halt after the discovery three months ago.
The businesswoman has tried to stay away from the 28-year-old binge-eater since they went their separate ways but things turned sour earlier this week when they came face-to-face in Mallorca, Spain, while filming the ‘TOWIE’ summer special.
The beach-side bust-up saw Lydia waving her arms as she screeched at her former boyfriend: "Stay away from me! You’re nothing to me now."
Meanwhile, this isn’t the first time the pair have ended their turbulent relationship as it also hit the rocks in 2014 when Arg was suspended from the show after testing positive for cocaine.
He spent a month in rehab before being allowed to return to the show in 2015 and, subsequently, won back his lover.