
Jaime King hosts baby blessing

Jaime King hosted a star-studded baby blessing for her four-month-old son.

The ‘Hart of Dixie’ star, who welcomed her first son, James, into the world with her husband, Kyle Newman, in October, was joined by the tot’s new godparents, Jessica Alba and Topher Grace, for the special bash at her home in Los Angeles on Thursday (20.02.14).

The 34-year-old actress shared a picture from the occasion on Instagram, which shows ‘Fantastic Four’ star Jessica, 32, holding James beside his happy parents and former ‘That 70s Show’ star Topher, 35.

She captioned the photograph: "Life is a constant gift. Our baby blessing this evening for our son #JamesKnightNewman with our beloved godparents @tophergrace and @jessicaalba with daddy @Kyle_newman – we love you!"

The blonde beauty previously admitted becoming a mother last year was "overwhelming."

She said: "I’m not adjusted! It’s tough. It’s the greatest blessing I’ve ever had in life and also one of the most overwhelming things I’ve ever experienced."

She added: "Finding the balance between work and taking care of my child is tough. I’m from the mid-west so for me, it’s all about family and it’s always been about family. That’s my challenge. I don’t want to leave my child at all!"