
Emma Thompson visits Heathers cast in character

Emma Thompson offered "freshly baked meat pies" to the cast of ‘Heathers: The Musical’.

The 54-year-old actress is currently rehearsing for the New York Philharmonic’s upcoming production of ‘Sweeney Todd’ and couldn’t resist calling in on the stars of the off-Broadway show in character as Mrs. Lovett, the neighbour of the ‘demon barber’, who helps dispose of his victims by baking them into pies.

A source at the rehearsal studio where both productions are preparing told the New York Post newspaper: "Thompson has been rehearsing upstairs. And she paid a surprise visit on Thursday to the cast of ‘Heathers’ to welcome them with some ‘freshly baked meat pies’ in her full Mrs. Lovett costume."

According to the insider, Emma curtsied and said in a cockney accent: "I’ve brung you some pies . . . I don’t think you know anyone that’s in ’em. But you never know!" And, "I thank you with all my heart — not my hips — but my heart."

The ‘Sense and Sensibility’ actress then broke character to praise the ‘Heathers’ cast.

She told them: "We hear you warbling in the most wonderful ways."

‘Sweeney Todd’ opens on March 5 at Avery Fisher Hall, while ‘Heathers’ – based on Winona Ryder and Christian Slater’s 1988 movie – debuts March 15 at New World Stages.