
Edgar Wright ‘has ideas’ for Hot Fuzz sequel

Edgar Wright "has some ideas" for ‘Hot Fuzz 2’.
The 43-year-old filmmaker is known for his work on the ‘Three Flavours Cornetto’ comedy film trilogy – which included ‘Shaun of the Dead’, ‘Hot Fuzz’, and ‘The World’s End’ – and has said that whilst he’s not sure if he wants to spend "three years of his life" making a sequel to the 2007 police comedy, he has "talked about" the idea with lead actor Simon Pegg.
He said: "I’ve definitely had some ideas and me and Simon have even talked about it at points, but it’s that thing of, do I want to spend three years of my life doing that? Or do I wanna, if I have the opportunity to tell a new story, would I do that? If somebody said to me, if ‘Baby Driver 2’, if that kind of came up, it would be like, ‘I have ideas.’ I would never say never, and you’re not wrong to say that that’s the one that you could do further instalments."
Edgar added that ‘Hot Fuzz’ is the only movie from the trilogy – the films in which are not connected except for featuring a different flavour of Cornetto ice cream – which could have follow-up, but he isn’t sure what the "starting point" of the movie would be as the characters finished their arc in the first instalment.
He added: "’Hot Fuzz’ I think is the only one of the Cornetto trilogy that you could do a follow-up. The tricky thing with a lot of sequels, and especially comedy sequels, is once characters have finished an arc. You know, in ‘Hot Fuzz’ Danny Butterman especially, Nicholas Angel [played by Simon Pegg] becomes less of an automaton and becomes more human and Nick Frost’s character becomes less of a simpleton and more of a badass. So then the thing is like, when that’s your starting point for the next one, where do you go from there?"
And the director – who is currently promoting his new film ‘Baby Driver’ starring Ansel Elgort – says he’s more focused on telling "new stories" at the moment, as he doesn’t have the time to devote to revisiting fan favourites.
He told "It’s funny. I think the thing with sequels is that I’ve always been looking for what’s next? And the thing with any movie is, it’s going to take up at least two years of your life. Maybe three. So, when you’ve got youth on your side, and I’m already in my forties now, it’s like, I guess I would rather be telling new stories than revisiting old ones."