
Duke and Duchess of Cambridge help write joke book for schoolboy

Britain’s Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have helped a young boy write a joke book in memory of his grandfathers.

Tom Heyes, 11, called on the royal couple and various other celebrities across the UK to help add to his little of collection of gags that he’d penned to raise money for charity.

Speaking to the Liverpool Echo, he said: "Soon I had lots of jokes and I thought it would make a great book because I wanted to raise some money in memory of my granddads."

The talented schoolboy managed to raise £840 for charity and gave half the proceeds to staff at the Medical Day Unit at Southport Hospital, where his granddad Peter Heyes was cared for up until he sadly lost his battle with leukaemia.

The other half of the money went to the British Heart Foundation in memory of Tom’s other granddad, David Birchall, who tragically died 18 months later aged just 67.

Meanwhile, the royal couple – who have children Prince George, two, and six-month-old Princess Charlotte together – have been busy trying to raise awareness of the mental health issues young people and children face today.

Duchess Catherine, 33 – who is patron of a number of children’s charities including student counselling organisation Place2BE – recently released a statement saying how she intends to "play a part" in the improvement of mental health services in order to "benefit young people."