
Drake Maverick released by WWE

Drake Maverick and Curt Hawkins have been released by WWE.
The two professional wrestlers – real names James Curtin and Brian Myers respectively – have been axed by WWE alongside the likes of Karl Anderson, Luke Gallows, Heath Slater, Eric Young, EC3, and Lio Rush.
A statement from WWE read: "WWE has come to terms on the release of Drake Maverick (James Curtin), Curt Hawkins (Brian Myers), Karl Anderson (Chad Allegra), Luke Gallows (Drew Hankinson), Heath Slater (Heath Miller), Eric Young (Jeremy Fritz), EC3 (Michael Hutter) and Lio Rush (Lionel Green). We wish them all the best in their future endeavours."
The decision to release the eight wrestlers comes as WWE announced earlier on Wednesday (15.04.20) that cutbacks were going to be made due to the financial toll the coronavirus pandemic had taken on the company.
In a press release, the company had stated: "WWE today provided an update on measures taken by the Company in response to the current impact of COVID-19 on the organisation. Due to COVID-19 and current government mandated impacts on WWE and the media business generally, the Company went through an extensive evaluation of its operations over the past several weeks.
"Given the uncertainty of the situation, the Company also identified headcount reductions and made the decision to furlough a portion of its workforce effective immediately. The decision to furlough versus permanently reduce headcount reflects the fact that the Company currently believes the furlough will be temporary in nature. The Company’s reductions of employee compensation and headcount result in an estimated monthly savings of $4 million along with cash flow improvement of $140 million primarily from the deferral in spending on the Company’s new headquarters."
Meanwhile, WWE was deemed an "essential business" amid the pandemic, meaning the company will be allowed to continue recording its television programming.
Speaking at a press conference this week, Orange County Major Jerry Demings said: "I think initially there was a review that was done and they were not initially deemed an essential business.
"With some conversation with the governor’s office regarding the governor’s order, they were deemed an essential business. And so therefore, they were allowed to remain open."