
Chelsea Handler: ‘I need alcohol to be happy’

Chelsea Handler "needs alcohol" to be happy.
The 41-year-old chat show host loves to drink and admitted she is adversely affected if she goes too long without alcohol.
She told The Sunday Times Magazine: "If I don’t drink for more than three nights you can tell in my personality. I just need alcohol in my system. I love alcohol – it makes me happy."
And it’s not just alcohol that Chelsea is a fan of, she admitted she also "loves drugs".
She said: "I love doing drugs. Last night I smoked a little pot, went to bed at 8.30pm and woke up at 7am. It was great. I’d rather do that than take a sleeping pill.
While she loves to drink and take drugs, Chelsea says dieting is something she needs to do in weight-obsessed Hollywood but calls it a "pain in the ass".
She explained: "Dieting is rough, it’s a pain in the ass for everyone. A lot of people in this town just don’t eat.
"I work out all of the time, and I actually enjoy that, but the dieting is really hard for me. I’m good for a few days and then I go off."
Chelsea quit her E! chat show two years ago because she became bored with her celebrity guests and wanted to do "something more interesting".
She said: "Like anything in my career, I like to excel at something and then I’m done and want to be out of my comfort zone. I was bored with the sound of my voice and I wasn’t feeling particularly grateful any more. I was bored with these celebrities on rotation. I just thought this has afforded me tons of luxury and access to many things, but it’s not like I’m saving lives. I thought I should be doing something more interesting."